Episode 025: A Return To Her Roots: Alessandra Lauria's Sicilian Inspiration


Today, Alessandra Lauria teaches pasta classes (online and live) to groups of all sizes, but her journey into food started at an early age, growing up in a very large, Sicilian family.

For the Laurias, cooking with good ingredients and making everything from scratch was the norm. Interesting enough, Alessandra was not allowed to cook when she was younger but learned by watching her mother and grandma make food in the kitchen from afar. 

She later put this early learning into practice, cooking for many years personally, but it was only after she landed her dream job, that she realized a career in food and entrepreneurship was her destiny.

In 2018 Alessandra enrolled in an artisan pasta maker course located in the northern part of Italy, between Padua and Bologna. There, she created food experiences, made a film, worked with the Pasta Grannies Project, developed recipes for restaurants and did consulting work for Leonetta Pasta

Alessandra brings her passion for authentic food and love of people to all of her events and projects. 

Alessandra discusses:

  • what being authentically Sicilian means

  • foods that make her think of home

  • favorite street foods and pastas found in Sicily

  • the importance of returning back to your roots

  • what the future holds for her and her business The Pasta Studio


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